One of the golden rules that successful entrepreneurs apply is to define very well the 3 Ms of Marketing in your business. They are valid for any type of business, including canine.

The 3 Ms of Marketing are: The Message, The Market and The Medium.
Many times we focus on choosing the right tools and resources to successfully start our business, and we forget the basis of any business. Define very well our personal brand, the 3 Ms of Marketing and apply them in all our communications.
1) The importance of the message
Have you ever noticed how two unfamiliar dogs start a relationship? First they look at each other and eventually wag their tails as a sign of trust, trying to get the other to lower the barriers and establish a friendly bond. When they detect that there is no threat, they approach and sniff each other. The connection already exists!
From now on, they will run, they will play together. Maybe they will also fight, but the truth is that they have already done the hardest thing, in the easiest way. They established communication by delivering clear and precise messages! A little intuition and the certainty that there would be mutual benefits made them partners. And how is this the same in business?
Exactly the same. The entrepreneur or canine professional sells a service or a product that solves a need, desire or whim to a dog, guide or family that is willing to pay for the solution. There is intention without knowing each other. It is necessary to establish a relationship, and for that you have to communicate as it happens with dogs. Not communicating, especially nowadays, is like being invisible, like not existing. One of the first tasks of an entrepreneur is to be seen. There is no such thing as faith marketing, so write down your tasks:

1) Think about what to communicate to the market about who you are and what you do.
2) What are your values and what do you believe in?
3) Why others should do business with you and put their trust in you and not in your competition.
When you answer these questions properly, you are ready to take the next step. Not before. Why not? Because you will still be a stranger to your future customers. And a business relationship, like any other, is based on trust, credibility and the connection that can be established between the people involved.
2) The importance of the market
One of the most frequent mistakes that entrepreneurs make is that we do not know exactly what we are doing. Who our audience is or where our customer is.
We offer a canine product or service that clearly provides a solution to a specific problem in the market, but our time, effort, money and message gets lost on the waybecause it is not aimed at the right people.
Sometimes we think we know our customer, because we think they are like us, but in my experience, we are often not right. If we don't know our customers, it is difficult to communicate with them. So before we focus on the what, we must think about the who. Who is the ideal customer for the canine service or product we want to sell so that our message reaches the right people?
Rather than reaching out to many, our priority, is to reach the right those who are really interested in our canine product or service. Those who are willing to pay for it, will be grateful for the solution we put in their hands, and will refer new customers to us.¡Ese es el negocio! That, and above all to take care of our current customers because they are the most valuable asset of our business.

3) The importance of the environment
The Internet is not the only medium for communicating with our market; traditional media (radio, press, television, street advertising, advertising in public areas, leaflets) are still alive and effective.They are effective as long as your guides, dog families are there and you have a high investment budget.
Within the Internet, there are multiple sub-media, some may work for you; others may not: live broadcasts, webinars, webinars, email marketing or social media marketing, among others.
Online Marketing has stood up to Institutional Marketing, which could only benefit multinational companies that made large financial investments to implement multichannel strategies.
Online marketing has democratised marketing. and small and medium-sized businesses like yours can advertise as powerfully as the big ones. If the campaign is successful, you will generate brand, customers, sales and profits. In addition, you will know the return obtained for each euro invested in advertising.
🎯 Could you tell me exactly what results you achieved in your last campaign in terms of enquiries, customers and profits? I could give you exact details of the campaigns I have run for my clients.
You already know the 3 Ms of Marketing. If you sell canine services or products and this interests you, book your consultation with me.