How to validate your dog training course before you even create it.

como validar mi curso de formación canina
how to validate my canine training course with a seed release

If you run a professional canine training school or are a canine entrepreneur, you have probably thought more than once about creating an online canine training course. on Hotmart or any other web platform, but you're not sure if your business idea will work or not. Moreover, you are eager to become an info producer but you are afraid of having to invest thousands of euros💶 💶 💶 in the creation of your digital product and then, perhaps, not getting the expected sales. Well, now I want to show you how you can validate your dog training course even without having created it yet.

Seed launch 🌱 to test your canine vocational training course

The purpose of seed pitches is to make a small survey of your business idea before carrying it out, investing as little as possible financially. Their sole purpose is to validate your offer, and, incidentally, to obtain social proof, feedback, collect testimonials and, if it works, sales.

With a seed launch you never lose. If the product is suitable, you will have generated sales and testimonials to make your info product a fully-fledged info product. If it is not, you will have saved a lot of time and money, and you will also receive a lot of valuable information and feedback to improve your offer before embarking on a bigger adventure.

Seed launch phases to validate a canine training course

In order to validate your canine training course with a seed launch, we will follow these steps:

Fases del lanzamiento semilla
Seed pitch phases - How to validate your business idea with a seed pitch.

Pre Launch

This initial phase lasts between 7 and 10 days and the objective is to generate interested audiences. To do this, a lead magnet or valuable content is offered. But of real value for your audience.

It is important to make your audience interested in your services thanks to educational marketing. Educational marketing communicates why your service is important. This means informing, not educating.

Launch and sales

The objective of this phase is to invite our audience to a webinar to find out if there is real interest in our product, to find out the needs and objections of our audience in order to offer them a solution.

We can stop selling without asking what pet owners, guardians or dog families need in two ways: by targeting only those who are interested in what you are already selling or by first asking your audience what their problem is, so that you can then offer them what they need and build your services around it.

For every problem there are a thousand solutions and not everything revolves around obedience or behaviour modification. There are people who are only interested in understanding canine language and others who just want to learn how to make an effective call.

Product delivery

If everything went well we will have generated sales and/or gathered a lot of feedback, social proof and valuable information to make our next launch a success 😉.

Let me know if you have already used this type of pitch to validate your training course or business idea and how it went. I'm all ears.

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