Tu perro piensa y te quiere: Entrenar perros no es como te lo habían contado

Behavioural science has discovered more about dogs in the last ten years than in its entire history. It has been proven that dogs love us, want to be our friends and are capable of understanding complex situations.

The differences between dogs and wolves, epigenetics, hormones and pheromones among other things are discussed.

He discusses the differences between dogs and wolves, epigenetics, and hormones and pheromones among other things, and then presents his approach to analysing both unwanted behaviours (ACT), which goes beyond the study of observable behaviours, and how to intervene on them (ITC). It then goes on to explain in detail the four dimensions that are taken into account during the ACT: physical dimension, emotional dimension, cognitive dimension and social dimension.

In order to modify canine behaviour, he explains how to work on the four dimensions above.


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