Why is it that only misbehaving dogs get an education?

¿Por qué sólo los perros que se portan mal reciben educación?
Scolding a puppy for peeing at home

In this post we are going to make a reflection. We are going to ask ourselves why only dogs that misbehave are educated?

Lack of awareness of dog care and education.

Do only misbehaving children go to school? No, but why do only misbehaving dogs get an education?

All dogs need education whether they have problems or not. They need mental stimulation and socialisation with other dogs and with humans so that we can be healthy and live with them. Dogs do not have problems. The problems arise from our behaviour towards them and from imposing our social rules in order to be able to live together in society. Therefore, it is important to give them the attention they need and deserve.

We have the false belief that by buying or adopting them we have done them a great favour and that by feeding them we have done everything. Moreover, it hurts us to invest in the care and education of dogs, when it is something that directly benefits us in terms of health and well-being. And this is something we should have been aware of long before we decided to have the dog by our side.

Why is it that only misbehaving dogs get an education?

Because when it comes to training, people are not spending money on their dogs, they are spending money on themselves. People tend to seek help from a dog trainer only when they have a real problem. Not as a preventive measure or for the welfare of the dog. We want to have the peace and quiet of being able to carry on with our lives as if we didn't have a dog, or almost. How wonderful life is when our four-legged companion can accompany us everywhere and in our leisure time.

Consequences: Insecurity of the canine professional

This lack of appreciation and social awareness of the care and especially the education of dogs generates insecurity and economic instability for dog professionals or entrepreneurs. In addition, many dog trainers or dog educators do not know what services to offer so that they can be easily sold. They do not know how to make themselves known, how to differentiate themselves from other trainers and, in short, how to get clients.

They print and hand out leaflets in veterinary clinics and shops selling dog food and homes with dogs. Other trainers have done exactly the same thing. When a potential client sees your flyer and five other flyers from others who offer virtually the same as you, he will go for the cheapest one. Why? Because he sees that all services are the same, there is no differentiation between you. The consequence of this is that your services become more and more devalued. They become cheaper and cheaper in order to compete. Faster and of poorer quality in order to be able to offer that price. This leads to greater discontent among families, worse canine education and, in short, makes it almost impossible to make a living from your passion.

My purpose: To help canine professionals and entrepreneurs like you.

Do you think we can change this situation? I love dogs and I am a dog mum. I have created this project because I would like to contribute to change the culture that society has in relation to dog care and education. We are going to make families understand that all dogs, whether they behave well or badly, need education.

I would like all dogs to receive the education they deserve and raise awareness that dog care and education is necessary. I am not an educator (I am in training and maybe one day I will be motivated by your experiences and my love for dogs). What is clear to me is that I like to learn from the furry ones and from all the professionals of the animal and canine world that I know.

Traffic for your dog business

I have set out to help canine entrepreneurs to raise interest in their services by bringing them closer to those doggy families who need them. Thanks to Digital Marketing and online traffic strategies. In addition, they will learn how Marketing works - a fundamental part of any business so that it can grow. Thanks to the visibility offered by social networks and online traffic strategies, you can attract clients as a dog trainer or entrepreneur.

If you have identified with this post. You need to differentiate yourself, you want me to help you reach your canine families. Be visible and recognised as a dog educator, ethologist, dog trainer or dog entrepreneur. To make those dog families around you or not aware of everything you can do for them and their dog; and in short, to make your passion your livelihood.

I encourage you to contact me and arrange a FREE CONSULTATION.

In this consultancy, we will identify what your current business situation is. What are the difficulties you are encountering, and what goals do you have to take your business to the next level.  

Then you decide whether or not you want to embark on this canine adventure with me and bring the best online traffic to your business 😉.

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